The Self Love Journey

What you can expect:

This is a 2 hour long session consisting of 1 hour coaching and guidance in whatever area you desire and 1 hour of energy balancing using reiki and intuitive hands on touch. You will leave feeling relaxed, nourished, and balanced in your body and mind. This is a safe space to discuss and untangle a current and relevant un-alignment in your life. We will get to the root cause of the issue at hand. Create this sacred space for yourself to be held and supported, experience the healing power of reiki and touch, and bring light to your shadows to transform and transcend through these ancient tantric practices. You will go home with the tools and framework you can use in everyday life. This looks like being able to access internal resourcing and space to really understand yourself and become your own healer. 

This offering is for you if:

• You're looking for someone to talk to but also want to explore alternative healings 
• Struggle with body image 
• Struggle with feeling safe in your body
• Live your life pleasing others and putting their needs before your own
• Experience low self -worth 
• Have a hard time relating to others and maintaining healthy relationships 
• Want to understand your body and spirit in a deeper way to connect with self 

Investment: $275

*In person or online sessions available