I want to inspire you with love and light and a few what the Faaaack moments to get truly out of your damn mind and into your body to feel all the feels, and know your strength worth and place in this life!​

I have spent a decade of my life learning and searching for the truth in myself. The adventure home to my true essence has taken me around the world, to places like India, Bali and across South East Asia, where I studied under amazing teachers and practitioners to gain many tools and ancient healing modalities to bring to my clients.

Hi, I’m Brittany!

 Today, I am a Reiki Master, Yoga Teacher, Certified Life Coach and Sacred Femininity Facilitator based in Toronto, Canada. I specialize in body positivity, sacred femininity, embodiment, and self-love. I guide my clients through the beautiful adventure of traveling home to themselves and together we work to unravel what society has taught us to feel and think.

Through working with me, you will have a greater understanding of what your personal truth is and become deeply embodied in your truth and essence.

By contributing to the deconstruction of low self-worth,  body hate, and the obsession that society has put on us to over-consume happiness from our external world, we can let go of who we thought we needed to be in order to be loved and expressed in our entirety. 

My heart is with the woman who is constantly on the run from herself, her body, and her worth. My core belief is that we need to feel in order to heal and to live life as our highest selves. Worth, love and acceptance does not live external from us. It’s accessible to all of us and through each individual; it’s yours and it’s mine. 

Through personalized One-on-One Coaching, Reiki Energy sessions and guided Yoga, I create a safe space for you to be heard and understood. I will support you in uncovering your innate worth, beauty and confidence that already exists inside of you but may have been drowned out by the noise that life can convey to us, especially women. 

If you’re ready to uncover your worth, beauty and divine femininity I would love to help guide you through your journey of deep self healing and empowerment!